Friday, August 27, 2010

EOC Week 7: What legal issues concern you most?

Some legal issues that concern me the most are topics about designing and film. I don't want to copy someone else's art but these days it’s hard to create "new." I'm in an animation field and one of my concerns is if I developed my own character in an art piece, can someone else steal it if I post it on the web, Such as on a website called That website has some licensing but does my artwork only belong to the website once I’ve submitted it? Another concern of my regarding this website is that anyone can look at my art. I want to know what will happen if someone steals it from that website when I have a creative license on it from the website itself. Will I be able to take them to court and say they stole my artwork? I like the website a lot because I can view other artist from around the world as well as create my own profile for others to view but I have become cautious when I found out an artist piece was stolen by a game company. This incident happened a while back and I haven’t found out what the artist did. What also interest me is the designing contest that you can enter to win money and your design on the product. I’ve entered contest like that but I haven’t won yet. My concern is if I were to win, will I be able to ask for percentage? For every where my design goes I want to know if I will get paid for each time it is used. As for legal issues of my personal interest not relating to my career, I want to know what is the big talk about the pronunciation of the word Nevada. I think saying it either way is fine.

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