I think the documentary is very interesting and quiet shocking to discover that a lot of things in our world can be a fake. I like how the film said that the bad guys can get rich right under our noses and even though they get caught, they can still continue the trafficking of fake goods. Before I didn't realize the harm of buying fake bags and jewelry can do to top of the line fashion companies. It is easier to lure a person into buying something of the same type for cheaper then buying it for the actual cost which is a much higher price. I have to admit that I am a person who would rather buy the cheaper bag then the real bag sold in the fancy stores. After watching this documentary I will be more aware of what I purchase. Today, everything deals with money and buying something for a little less can be nice. As for drugs it is very dangerous, I would never buy prescription drugs online. I rather go to a doctor and to the pharmacy where I know my drugs will be the actual product and not some lead paint mixed with chemicals of cleaning items. I didn’t know that such people will go that far to make money and use poison ingredients to be sold for medicine. It is as if they are a hitman, killing people without anyone knowing.
As for a visual part of the film, I started to get dizzy and sick as the jerky movements and shakiness of the camera was shown. In some parts I had to look away. I thought that the camera movements weren't the purpose to make people become sick but I thought it was another way to make the viewers feel then just see.
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